Become a MBDA Client

Please fill out the form below

Please note: MBDA collects your personal information for purposes of this program and does not intentionally sell, share, or distribute your personal information to third parties, except as required by law.

The U.S. Department of Commerce Minority Business Development Agency’s (MBDA) mission is to foster the growth and global competitiveness of minority business enterprises (MBEs). MBDA accomplishes its mission by funding and working cooperatively with Business Centers that assist clients that are socially or economically disadvantaged, regardless of race or ethnicity, by facilitating transactions through referrals, business consulting, contract bid/proposal preparation, loan packaging, and/or matching contract opportunities and capital sources (i.e., loans, equity, bonding, etc.). In addition, Business Centers help clients to achieve their growth objectives by connecting them with prospective strategic partners through business-to-business matching, teaming arrangements, joint ventures, or other strategic advisory services.

To get started with us, fill out our intake form for a free consultation. DOWNLOAD HERE and email to utahmbda@slcc.edu.

Our Services

There is no cost to become a client of the Utah MBDA Business Center. As a resource from the US Department of Commerce, we can remain focused on the success of business community.

Financial Resources

Connect with our MBDA network to explore traditional and alternative funding solutions. We’ll work to understand your options to best secure funding to elevate your business. MBDA also has grant opportunities, and we can show you how to access Federal grants that provide technical assistance to foster innovation and growth.

Programs and Training

Explore transformative programs that ignite innovation, help build coalitions and create growth pathways on your entrepreneurial journey.

Contracting Opportunities

Learn and become prepared for upcoming contract opportunities locally and throughout the country. Our network shares business-to-business matching as well as bid/proposal preparation to put our clients in the best position to win the contracts best suited for your business.

Our Clients:

The Minority Business Development Agency provides an indispensable resource of technical programs for minority business enterprises (MBEs) working to overcome obstacles and grow their business. If you’re an established business that is ready to procure contracts from local, state, federal agencies or corporations, seeking to expand into new markets, or looking for capital to support expansion, the Utah MBDA Business Center looks forward to participating in your growth journey. If you’re an early-stage business or startup, we can connect you to several partners that have programs, training and technical assistance to place you on the right path.

Our ideal clients have been in business at least three years with $500,000 or more in revenue and are in high-growth industries, such as construction, health care, education, infrastructure, energy and broadband technology.

Get started with us today! Filling out our client intake form provides us the information we need to know about your business to serve you better. Whether you have contracts currently or wanting to know how to win upcoming bids, need additional funding or technical assistance, the intake form helps understand your position and the direction you desire to take. Download our intake form by CLICKING HERE and submit the completed form via email to utahmbda@slcc.edu. We are excited to begin working with you!

MBDA does not guarantee any particular outcome or business result on behalf of the client or associated third parties and is not liable for any outcomes or business decisions made by the client or associated third parties.

Acceptance of Client Relationship
The client agrees to: (a) acknowledge the relationship with Business Center (as demonstrated in this agreement); (b) provide firm contact and profile information; (c) disclose to MBDA and/or Business Center outcome(s) based on the services provided to the client by Business Center to MBDA; and (d) provide documentary verification to MBDA and/or Business Center for transactions resulting from services provided pursuant to this engagement.

Under this agreement, the client certifies under penalty of perjury that it is a minority business enterprise (MBE), as defined by the MBDA Act. 15 U.S.C. §§ 9501(9), (15). A minority business enterprise (MBE) under the MBDA Act is a business enterprise majority-owned and controlled by at least one socially or economically disadvantaged individual. 15 U.S.C. § 9501(9). A socially disadvantaged individual is an individual who has been subjected to racial or ethnic prejudice or cultural bias because of the identity of the individual as a member of a group, without regard to any individual quality of the individual that is unrelated to that identity. 15 U.S.C. § 9501(15). An economically disadvantaged individual is an individual whose ability to compete in the free enterprise system been impaired due to diminished capital and credit opportunities, as compared to others in the same line of business and competitive market areas, because of the identity of the individual as a member of a group, without regard to any individual quality of the individual that is unrelated to that identity. 15 U.S.C. § 9501(15). An individual of any race or ethnicity may meet the definition of socially or economically disadvantaged under the MBDA Act.

Privacy Disclosure and Information Use
By submitting this form, your company agrees to allow the Business Center and/or MBDA to share this document, information contained therein, and any supplementary material provided by your company (collectively “Client Engagement Form”) on an as needed basis, with United States Government agencies to carry out appropriate due diligence and more effectively advocate for your interests. The Client Engagement Form also may be used by MBDA and Business Centers for the purposes of conducting research, studies, and analysis consistent with the MBDA mission as stated in the MBDA Act. The Client Engagement Form is considered business confidential and will not be shared with any other person or organization outside the U.S. Government unless MBDA is given permission to do so by your company. All business confidential information will be protected from disclosure to the extent permitted by law.

Public Burden Statement
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no person is required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid Office of Management and Budget control number. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 10 minutes per response, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering, and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Your response is voluntary. Send comments regarding the burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the:
Minority Business Development Agency
Office of the Chief Operating Office
Attention: Information Management Division:
1401 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Room 5612
Washington, DC 20230